Tuesday, July 10, 2007

What Are You Truly Selling?

Are you selling architecture, or are you selling the genius behind it? You are selling a concept, a feeling. iPod commercials feature people dancing. They sell fun, not an iPod. The iPod is the means to the fun. A Lexus commercial shows a Lexus car. It is a visual representation of the luxury and prestige behind the brand. Sometimes the product is featured visually, sometimes it is more abstractly represented.

It is not critical to show architecture just the same as it is not critical to show a plane if you are an airline. Sometimes it is great to show a plane, sometimes it is great to show the ocean. Southwest sells the destination, not the plane. A memorable commercial has a guy in a kayak slashing his way through white water rapids. The text reads, "4 hours ago, he was behind a desk. Funny how things change when you add a Southwest Fun Fare." They sell destinations. Anybody can sell flying.

You are selling intelligence. Integration. Economy. Eco-friendliness. This is true, yes? We must craft this into something remarkable and portable. You have a few seconds in which to capture somebody's attention.

Charles Revlon said, "In the factories we make perfume, but in the stores we sell hope."

In your studio you make homes and buildings, but you do not sell homes and buildings (everybody sells homes and buildings), you sell the economy of green, yes? What else do you sell?
There is no right or wrong answer.

These are just thoughts to keep in mind.

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